We never stop learning and growing as Christians. It is a lifelong task. We take that seriously at Christ Church, and provide opportunities for study of the Bible, theology, church history, Christian social ethics, prayer and spiritual practices. We invite you to join us in the journey of spiritual formation.
Are you interested in theological education in the comfort of a local church? Education for Ministry (EfM) is a Christian formation course that involves scripture and theological study, as well as reflection on one's own life as ministry. EFM is a four-year program of biblical and theological education for lay people in the church sponsored by the School of Theology at the University of the South (Sewanee), one of the seminaries of the Episcopal Church. The EfM group not only studies and discusses scripture and theology, but becomes a small spiritual community that shares worship and reflections on our thoughts and beliefs. One participant has called EfM "mini-seminary - with no papers and grades." Students can sign on for one year, or decide to take all four years of the program.
Since the pandemic of 2020, we have been meeting via Zoom and our group has included members from churches in Billerica and Lexington. In 2022, we graduated 3 members, Chris Wagner, Jennifer Cordes, and Elizabeth Blanchard; because we need a minimum of six members to form a group, mentors Rosemarie Buxton and Steve Taylor are seeking new members to start in the Fall of 2023.
During the season of Lent, we offer series on a variety of topics. Normally these sessions are held on Sunday evenings with an hour-long conversation followed by a simple meal of bread and soup provided by the participants.
Other occasional adult formation opportunities are offered on occasion, including preparing adults for confirmation or to be received into the Episcopal Church, Advent quiet days, and conversations at the coffee hour between the two Sunday services during the program year.
From September to June, we have a Wednesday morning Bible Study group that meets on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays from 10:00-11:30am in the Parlor and by Zoom. No previous knowledge of the Bible is required. Everyone is welcome. Please contact Diane Hinzelman if interested.
The Vision of Christ Church to be an open, welcoming Episcopal congregation living the Gospel of Jesus Christ....