The fancy word for our worship is "liturgy", which means "work of the people". Our worship is not only lead by the trained and ordained professionals (the clergy), but includes all of the baptized members of the congregation. Below you will find some of the ways that members participate in making our worship rich and meaningful for all. We are always delighted to welcome new members to the parish to join in one of these many ministries and encourage you to contact us if you have any interest.
Vergers are the "custodians of good order" in Episcopal worship. They serve as masters of ceremony. They ensure that all who participate in the leadership of worship know where to be and what to do. They assist and advise the clergy in liturgical matters of all kinds. Their knowledge of liturgy allows them to answer the questions that would otherwise go to clergy in advance of a service. On special occasions they ceremonially lead the procession with verge in hand, dressed in their vergers' robes. Christ Church currently has four fully trained vergers, Catherine Rosen (Head Verger), Holly Jarrell-Marcinelli, Chris Wagner, and Elizabeth Blanchard. If you would like to know more about what vergers do, please speak to one of them or be in touch by email with Catherine Rosen.
Young people in grades 4-12 are welcome to serve as acolytes, crucifers and servers at the altar. This is an ancient and honored calling, to serve alongside the clergy in the leadership of worship, in the proclamation of the Gospel, and the preparation of the holy table. It’s also a really fun way to stay involved and be active during church! Some acolytes report that they actually “get it” all so much better when they serve at the altar. If you (or your child) would like to know more about being an acolyte, please contact Holly Jarrell-Marcinelli.
Adults are welcome to serve as acolytes at Christ Church. Our adult acolyte guild functions primarily at our early service, at funerals and weddings, and on other special occasions. If you would like to know more about serving in this way, please contact our Head Verger, Catherine Rosen.
The Altar Guild consists of a group of volunteers who serve behind the scenes to prepare for all worship services at Christ Church. Responsibilities include setting the Table for Holy Communion, preparation of the silver/glass vessels, altar linens, wafers and wine, and clearing after services have concluded. Members also assist with preparation for services of baptism, weddings, and funerals. Altar Guild members have found that this ministry also serves to abundantly enrich their spiritual practice. Anyone curious to learn more about the Altar Guild is invited to contact Iris Roskell.
The Flower Guild is responsible for the arrangement of the flowers at the altar each Sunday and at special services. Our very talented arrangers work in teams on a monthly schedule. They are responsible for planning, buying, and arranging, all with an eye to what is available in a given season, and all in keeping with the liturgical calendar. It is a wonderful way for those who are gifted with an eye for design to offer their talent to God in beautifying our worship space each week. If you would like to know more about how to get involved, please contact Judy Wright or Diane Hastings.
Lectors are readers. They read the holy scriptures for our hearing during worship. Each lector is assigned a reading (or readings) every few weeks, and their job is to read it during the week, listen to what it is saying, pray with it, and practice reading it in such a way that its message comes alive for those who will hear it. Being a lector is an ancient and honored ministry in the church, and an important contribution to our worship experience. If you’d like to know more about becoming a lector, please contact Terry Kuhlmann.
Intercessors are those who "intercede" on our behalf to God in the Prayers of the People. Most of those who serve in this ministry are also Lectors. Their job is not “to read the prayers” – but to pray – and to pray in a public way that gives voice not only to their own prayer, but the prayers of all God’s people. If you feel committed to the ministry of prayer and would like to know more about serving in this ministry, please contact Reverend Hodges.
Eucharistic Ministers serve the chalice at Holy Communion. As ministers of the sacrament, they have a sacred responsibility to bear God’s presence to each person who comes for communion. Some of them are also trained and licensed by the bishop to take communion to those who are home-bound or cannot regularly attend worship. If this is a ministry you’d like to know more about, please contact Reverend Hodges.
Ushers are often the first person to greet us when we arrive for a service. Their ministry is one of welcoming, serving, assisting, and making comfortable those who come for worship – newcomer and old-timer alike. In addition to greeting us and offering a worship bulletin, they assist those with mobility issues, answer questions from newcomers, and help facilitate the gathering of people for worship. They also take up the offering, count how many people come to worship at each service, and record the numbers in a book. After worship they collect papers left behind and straighten books in the pew racks. It is a wonderful way to serve at Christ Church. If you would like to know more, please contact our Head Usher, Doug Nason.
The Vision of Christ Church to be an open, welcoming Episcopal congregation living the Gospel of Jesus Christ....