Thank you for contacting us!
The "e-Prophet" is our electronic newsletter. It is emailed out to parishioners and friends each week on Thursdays. The e-Prophet features what's going on at Christ Church this coming Sunday, short blurbs about events and happenings that are coming up, links to our website and to this Sunday's readings, reminders, a Prayer of the Week, and the Prayer List.
Submissions to the e-Prophet should be made to Louisa Neissa by Wednesday of the week that you'd like your announcement to appear.
If you would like to sign up to receive the e-Prophet use the form above to sign up.
Hard copies of the e-Prophet are available in the back of the church on Sunday mornings for those who don’t receive it by email.
e-Prophet (Sample only!)
The Vision of Christ Church to be an open, welcoming Episcopal congregation living the Gospel of Jesus Christ....