Baptism is the rite of initiation into the Christian community, what St. Paul calls "the body of Christ." Baptism may happen at any age, whether infant, child, youth, or adult. We welcome all inquirers to speak to us about this important step of incorporation into the life of the Church.
Baptism preparation at Christ Church entails one preparatory class prior to the baptismal date. This session typically occurs on the Saturday prior to the scheduled baptism (usually the day before) from 10:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Parents and godparents are strongly encouraged to attend this class. If you are not able to make it, please contact the Rev. Michael Hodges to make separate arrangements for baptism preparation.
The session involves an introduction of everyone in the group, some introductory remarks on baptism, followed by a discussion of three Scripture passages that are significant to the way that baptism is understood in the Episcopal Church. We examine the baptismal service itself in the Book of Common Prayer, paying close attention to the promises made by both parents and godparents. We also talk about practical ways to cultivate a child’s spirituality in the home. We also discuss the role of godparents and conclude with a rehearsal for the baptismal ceremony in the church.
Any questions regarding this preparation process should be directed to the Rev. Michael Hodges.
The Vision of Christ Church to be an open, welcoming Episcopal congregation living the Gospel of Jesus Christ....