Dear friends and Rwanda supporters,
Our friend and long time partner, Reach Rwanda, conducts many programs to develop peace and reconciliation in the aftermath of the 1994 Rwandan genocide. One current program is about gender equity.
Reach Rwanda’s philosophy is that economic justice and development is the foundation of a strong and stable family and gender equality is at the very heart of this goal.
Rwandan culture has a long history of perpetuating gender discrimination in all aspects of society. Much of this discrimination leading to unstable family relationships and high rates of divorce.
In the past couple of decades, however, the federal government has made remarkable progress in legal and policy frameworks in turning the tide of this gender inequity. In Rwandan law, women are fully equal to men. The Rwandan parliament is 61% women which is amongst the highest woman government representation in the world!
Reach recognizes that at the local level, Rwanda is not as progressive. Families and churches are weighed down by these traditional gender roles and stereotypes. To address this problem, Reach, in partnership with federal and local governments, churches and non-governmental organizations, has developed a seminar program to train community members, church leaders, women groups and youth leaders. The goal is to help change mindsets around gender by engaging families and communities in conversation, debate and sharing around this important issue. This program will empower women and girls to be agents of change, restore relationships and transform Rwandan systems and structures.
Reach is structuring this gender equity educational program in a similar way as their highly successful peace and reconciliation seminars. Local community gatherings in a structured, moderated seminar format based on a curriculum developed in partnership with government and NGO partners.
Reach is seeking funds to pay for speaker fees, travel costs, meal expenses (they pay for lunch during seminars) and venue rentals.
Reach’s seminar program is starting in a few of the eastern provinces but plans to roll this program out nationally as funds allow.
Please consider a donation toward helping Reach make great strides toward gender equality in Rwanda!
Thank you for your consideration and generosity!
Michael Marcinelli
Images of Rwanda Gender Equity Seminars
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